Monday, March 22, 2010

You May Want to Keep Your Twitter Clothes On

Being a typical girl, I loved my Barbie® dolls.  I was always of the opinion, however, that they needed to be dressed to the nines at all times because I never knew who might see them:  Prince Charming, Ken®, G.I. Joe®, Mickey Mouse®, etc.  How horrifying it would be for them to be tossed into the toy box naked and run into someone that way!  Their clothes, their shoes, their hair always needed to be perfect so they would be ready to put their best face to the world.

Now I realize some of you are naked Barbie® people.  Naked Barbie® kids are the ones that got the doll out of the box, immediately removed their clothes, and then the dolls laid all over the house showing off all their glory.   They truly let it all hang out.

Our Twitter® accounts are the same way.  There is the theory that since you never know who might be reading your posting that you should be on your best behavior.  What if the viewer is a prospective employer, your current employer, a writer, an organization?  Are your postings helping or hindering your reputation?  Is the Barbie's® hair done and clothes looking sharp?  There is also the theory - Twitter® is a place to express one's true opinion to the masses for anyone who cares to read it:  essentially the naked Barbie® theory.  Here it is, look at me.  Don't get me wrong, I've done that, too.  The question is what kind of reputation do you want to create for yourself?   Since you don't always know your audience, how do you feel about the President reading what you've written?

So who is your Twitter® account for?  Is it for you?  Is it your outlet regardless of the consequences?  Then be free and show your plastic buff to the world!  If your micro blogs are for your audience, you may want to keep your Twitter® clothes on.

Creative Commons License
Social Media and the Pea by Alice Ann Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Barbie® is a product of Mattel, Inc.

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