Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oh Golly: Gowalla

In my expressing of my love for the social application Foursquare, I have been told I am missing out on the social impact of Foursquare's closest competitor, Gowalla.  A GPS-based locator program as well- this time straight from the promised land of Texas - Gowalla, allows friends to connect and share information about spots and locations all over the nation in exchange for game pieces and honors.

After starting to play the Gowalla game, it seems the main focus of Gowalla is just that - to act as a game bringing friends together for the purposes of true socialization at hotspots and establishments.  Additionally, unlike the more self rewarding Foursquare, Gowalla is a game of give and take where players can leave game pieces at locations for others to pick up and add to their stash (although, it seems the most coveted of the pieces are rarely left behind).

In the news last week, Gowalla announced a partnership with the New Jersey Nets:  those checking in at the Bobcats' game on April 12th and who find the mystery Nets game piece/item are eligible to win pairs of Nets tickets - a game within a game which has true fans raving online.  Additionally, Gowalla has also participated in fundraisers such as "Check In For Haiti", again showing they are more than just a social media site for social gamers but are wanting to be part of the give and take of real life.

Further proving I need to spend more time developing my relationship with Gowalla is their "best site in the Mobile category" SXSW Web Award from March.  So as I go through my days this upcoming week, I will be "Gowalla"ing to see what else I've been missing out on. 

"The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas":  let's see if Gowalla really does bring that same Texas' style oomph to the table both here, there, and everywhere.

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Social Media and the Pea by Alice Ann Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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