Tuesday, April 20, 2010

That Sweet, Sweet Sound

Depth, dimension, daring, dynamic:  words we would all love to see if someone was describing our written work.  We want to engage the person reading our pages, tweets, feeds, blogs, etc.  We want people to be interested and to come back again.

The fact remains, however, that in our current, fast food, fast paced, instant gratification demanding society, people want things that grab them, pull them in, and capture their attention.  So our typed words need support. Social media is famous for its "links".  I use them all the time to either tie into another source or to reiterate a point.  Links liven up text and support comments.

Photos give that slight edge with the "picture that says 1,000 words" concept.  The right picture gives a brief visual description of your content and can either turn someone on to your writing or turn them away.  

So what's the next step?  Podcasting.  It's the way to bring your social media up a level.  Audio podcasts can be added to the majority of social media sights to give a different angle to your work.  Having the ability to connect with your audience through the use of your voice or audio can enhance the presentation and allow for engagement with a population who may generally shy away from those with more written content.  

So get ready - tomorrow, we take an in-depth look at putting more media in our social media with podcasts.

Creative Commons License
Social Media and the Pea by Alice Ann Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.socialmediaandthepea.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.socialmediaandthepea.blogspot.com/.

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