Saturday, April 10, 2010

So Why Foursquare and Gowalla?

The question was posed to me this week, "Why do you use Foursquare and Gowalla? Is there a benefit?"  

Answering honestly, I replied, "I originally thought it would be a friend/social networking tool."  The concept of seeing where my friends are, what they are up to, what they think of various places, etc. is another way to connect and share interests.
After giving it additional thought, I realized, "However, I use both Foursquare and Gowalla more for the tips and feedback.  I have more of a relationship with a couple of businesses now because they were interested in knowing whom was taking the time to participate."  Businesses are using these applications to learn about their customer base:  why do people go there initially, and what keeps them coming back.  And then some go the step farther to use the apps to learn more about their customers as people and to reward them for their loyalty.  

If the old business philosophy of "it takes three new clients to compensate for the cost of losing one current customer", then establishing and maintaining brand loyalty is not only a benefit to the organization and the customer both - it is a necessary symbiotic pairing.  The customer needs to feel appreciated, and, especially in today's economy, the organization needs the customer to return again and again.

So the benefit is networking and knowledge. I participate as a consumer because it identifies me as a loyalist and gives insight to my true likes without having to wear a badge or t-shirt advertising my favorite places, and my hang-outs don't have to hope against hope that I'll fill out a comment card on my way out the door.

Creative Commons License
Social Media and the Pea by Alice Ann Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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